Friday, September 5, 2014

Because I like color!

My daughter always gives me a "you're too old for that" look whenever I do or wear something that isn't what she considers age appropriate.  

Just what exactly does "age appropriate" mean, anyway?  When you hit a certain age, are you only allowed to wear gray housecoats, white slippers and "buff" colored nail polish?

If that's a hidden rule somewhere, well then I'm sorry...

because I LIKE color!

Over the years, I've had just about every hair color imaginable:  blue, purple, red, yellow, green, white, pink, jet black and everything in between...and way back during my chemo treatments I even sported the ever-so-sexy bald head. Nothing and no one (including my daughter) is going to change the fact that I love color...and if I feel like wearing a bright blue nail polish or some glitter...or even if I want to dye my hair purple (again), I'm going to do it.

I'm 82 years young - and just because I've reached the over 30 crowd, it doesn't mean I'm dead. Not yet, anyway.

So dearest daughter of mine, if you happen to read this blog post...this is the color I'm wearing on my nails today.  Isn't it just lovely

This is "Come Blow Your Horn" with a glitter topper accent on my ring finger.

~ Mischelle